Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fr. Magembe Reveals the Secret of being Delivered

Fr. Magembe Expedito teaches about the blessing of being delivered. Father Magembe Expedito says that; The greatest stumbling block in the way of our victory is the secret of feeling that we will never receive the blessing of being delivered from our old habits and the power of the flesh, our surroundings with their attractions-have been too strong for us for years and years in our life—the change looks too great and too difficult –is a change possible ?

Fr. Magembe continue to say; Do you really long for the courage to believe that such a change in your life is possible—then you have to believe that such a deliverance is included in the redemption Jesus is offering to you—by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus-prayer moves mountains. Fr. Magembe takes an advise from St. Paul-[1 Thess.5:17] —“pray without ceasing seriously -- it is conveying a new meaning in your life hope begins to spring up in your heart—if a life of prayer begins in you—then any desired change of life becomes possible for you .

In his teaching, Fr. Magembe encourages us always to forget the feeling of discouragement , but hearken to the greatness of hope—the voice calling you to prayer---

Fr. Magembe Expedito continues to say; “Do not live under bitter self accusation or discouragement –you have tried your best and no blessing has come—it is because there was no strength to continue to live faithfully and the call to prayer had no power and therefore all the attempts ended up in vain—our success lies in fixing our eyes on Jesus and Jesus alone”.

You very well know that Something to happen in your life- will begin with prayer—but you have no desire to pray—you feel cold and dark—Fr. Magembe Expedito tells here to always Offer our self into Jesus’ hands—in all our weakness –rely on Jesus to bestow the grace of prayer. Father Magembe Expedito emphasizes us not seek victory in our own strength—“seek His presence—allow Him to touch your heart—he will teach you how to pray and this will lead you out of the mess you may be experiencing in your life---begin to see Jesus always with you to deliver and cleanse you from any sin—always ready to protect and bless you and above all –He will bestow the grace of a praying heart on which every blessing depends.” Father Magembe continue to say; “nothing can be expected unless one has begun to walk a life of prayer by believing in Jesus.”

Jesus’s love—His support—in Him you have power to pray—you have hope for everything—Jesus is all you need.

Father Magembe Expedito continue to advise us that; Prayer must be your new relationship with Jesus—keeping you always in enjoyment of His fellowship—your prayer life must be under His control –must be under His love—He will give you the Holy Spirit for all the divine support, knowledge and the truth.—here you will find prayer in Jesus and with Jesus, and victory as a source of very blessing—do not struggle alone to pray—do not put all your effort on prayer but focus on Jesus—seek Jesus—seek His fellowship—His love and His power—the Holy Spirit---

You may ask yourself but how long will this new fire of love and trusting Jesus will go ? May be you have tried sometimes and reached somewhere with prayer but you became cold again –impossible to pray and life of sin came back and so you have been defeated totally.

It is the fire of seeking the love and relationship with Jesus in prayer that will keep you going—offer the sacrifice of praise—you have to fun your love for Jesus to keep your prayer life going by sacrifices of praise and worship, good works and common life-----these are sacrifices pleasing to God..

Father MagembeExpedito quotes [ Hebr.13:15-17] Every time, Let us sing God’s praises—let our lips offer Him unceasing sacrifice worthy His name—praises rising like incense –A pillar shining in the night for us to see the way- a cloud leading us to the promised land –a land of rest—of silence—contemplation---

It is praise and worship that will keep you always connected to the power of His love and presence and keep your life of prayer growing—

Secondary –keep always in mind that your good works are very necessary sacrifices which must be offered as often as you need prayer—must company your prayer—for they require love and effort—

As faith without action considered-dead—so is your prayer life—without love in action is dead—will not bear fruit and will soon lead to discouragement.

Fr. Magembe Expedito continues to quote [Tobit.12:7] Yes, good deeds—almsgiving –and above all a life in common—all this will be a sacrifice demanding self-denial—offering to God through the neighbor efforts of

Love—tears—sweat and pains—to let others be in peace—making yourself a channel

Of peace and joy—in a family, at your working place and in the church—

Let prayer be your little heaven—to enjoy His presence and love expressed we have for others----praise and worship will ease your pain—these are the wings of prayer to enable fly beyond your limitations and sin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

prayers have worked for me in many cases
God Bless Him